Mangrove House - Sydney based counsellors

Navigating change

Change can provoke many different responses in our ‘self’. Learn ways to find acceptance through flexible thinking, accessing the ‘internal drive to thrive’ in the face of uncertainty.

We will face many changes over the course of our life. Jobs, homes, cities, countries, relationships are some of the biggest changes we might live through. Change within ourselves happens all the time, because of our experiences, hopes and dreams. Being flexible and curious are key tools to help us navigate change. How do you maintain curiosity and the willingness to hold uncertainty when things are in flux? How do you stay grounded when things are tense or the change that is unfolding in your life has not been chosen by you?

The counsellors at Mangrove House will work with you to understand the coping skills you already have. On this important foundation, you will be supported to uncover more resources for you to use in managing change. Underlying all of our work is evidence-based theory from approaches such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness-integrated Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Polyvagal Theory, and Schema Therapy.

Change doesn’t always have to be frightening or overwhelming. We are here to support you as you journey through the changes in your life.

  • Deepak Chopra
    “Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.”
    Deepak Chopra
  • John C. Maxwell
    “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”
    John C. Maxwell

If your needs are immediate

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000 in the case of an emergency.